About Me – Romona Dancz

Dancz Ministries

Hello , I am Romona Dancz,

I am honored  to be married to a man of God. He values the truth of the Word, family. He is becoming the man God has called him to be as the head of our home.  I am blessed with two son’s who are Godly men. They have served God and our country. Both of my daughter in laws are Christ centered and are excellent wives. I’m also blessed with two grandsons who Love Jesus. 


I worked as a manager in my twenties at a Michigan chain store. I was privileged to be a School Bus Driver in the school system my children attended until Ryan’s senior year. Then to be a business owner for 23 years. My husband and I retired in Florida. I now assist people as they make their Florida dreams come true in real estate. 

My Story, 

I always say I have been in church since 9 months before I was born. I loved Jesus since I can remember. I was about 5 when I begged to be baptized because I wanted to follow Jesus.  My mother worked as a custodian to pay for my sister and I to attend a local Christian School. I would say almost every thing I did from 3rd grade until I was married was Bible based. 

Of coarse I have many intimate testimonies of the hills and valleys of life. But  I’ll save those for personal conversations. 

God has been calling me deeper. So I have been digging in study and reading most of the Bible each year for the past 4-5 years.  It’s time to share with others the goodness of God. How He has kept me with His faithfulness and how He never left me in the darkest hours. The stories of being delivered and set free. 

I’m excited about being apart of Dancz Ministries. Mostly because this means God has answered the many prayers I prayed when I was a preteen. His faithfulness is amazing.